
原文轉載於「Flare (Journal of the IBC) - September/October 2007, Volume 41, No. 2」期刊。我簡單翻譯說明。

It was the selective breeding of Guy Delaval (France) in the 80s, with fish originating petshops, Paris Jones (USA) and Peter Goettner (USA),  which gave rise to bettas with an increased caudal spread (up to 180 degrees). Since the cover of FAMA magazine in 1993 showed a picture of a turquoise halfmoon (HM) male, which was bred by the international CHENMASWIL partnership consisting of Laurent Chenot (France), Rajiv Massilamoni (Switserland) and Jeff Wilson (USA), the D-shaped caudal conquered the betta-world! In the years to follow the HMs were further perfected leading to the standard we know today. This development also had its effect on the evolution of other tailtypes. Nowadays the standards of both singletail as doubletail fish ideally describe a D-shaped caudal. But keep in mind that there is more than only the caudal and that the ideal HM is characterized by an overall balance which can be captured in a circle.




For many years traditional plakats were the only type seen at betta shows but the HM fever also led to the evolution of the shortfinned tailtype. Crossing longfinned HMs to traditional PKs led to the development of the halfmoon plakat (HMPK). Like the traditional PK, the form of the HMPK is asymmetrical but combining traits of both traditional PKs and HMs. In 2005 the IBC officially distinguished (asymmetrical) traditional PKs and asymmetrical show PKs by creating a separate standard for both forms. Both standards show great overlap but differ in two essential points: the caudal and dorsal finnage.

When breeding longfinned HMs the ultimate goal is a fish with a balanced appearance, isn’t it therefore strange that the standard for HM PKs was describing an asymmetrical fish? Logically, the increasing interest in show plakats lead to the development of another type of PK, the symmetrical PK, the shortfinned equivalent of the longfinned HM also often reffered to as “shortmoon”. The IBC responded on this trend by the development of a trail standard and can be considered to be the shortfinned variant of the standard used for longfinned HMs.








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